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ABout Class 3 Digital Signature 

Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate for Individuals and Organisations. GST Application, Income Tax Filing, Company Registration, ROC Filing, GST Filling, EPF use, E-tender, and E-auction, etc requires this digital signature. please fill the below Application Form & proceed with payment.


Class 3 digital signature is the highest class of DSC among all available DSCs. This type of digital signature is available in two types. The first is a signing only and the second is a signing with encryption. Both variants are available in 2 years and 3 years validity options. 


Signing only Class 3 DSC: 

Sign only class 3 digital signature contains only one certificate, the digital signature. Income tax filing, GST filing, Company registration, Annual compliance filing, EPF registration, Import Export Code(IEC) applications, etc can be done with a class 3 digital signature. Therefore, this type is the most demanded digital signature.


Signing with Encryption Class 3 DSC: 

Signing with encryption class 3 digital signature contains two certificates. The first is the digital signature itself, and the second is the encryption certificate.  People also called this signature Class 3 Combo Digital Signature. Because it contains two certificates.


This type of digital signature is eligible for use in all places where we use sign-only class 3 digital signatures. Apart from this, e-tender and e-auction applications must file with a sign with an encryption class 3 digital signature. websites like Icegate and Trademark registration applications also use this type of digital signature. Therefore it is advised to go for this type of multipurpose DSC.


Use of Class 3 Digital Signature

  • Income tax filing.
  • GST filing.
  • Company registration.
  • Annual compliance filing.
  • EPF registration.
  • Import Export Code(IEC) applications.
  • E-tender.
  • E-auction.
  • IceGate use.
  • Trademark registration.
  • GST registration, etc.


Class 3 DSC Application Process

Offiline Aadhar (Paperless): Fill up the application form with the Applicant’s name and Aadhar-linked mobile number. Choose the Validity years & USB Token option. Click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button & proceed to Checkout. Update your name and address details on the checkout page. Review all data once and complete online payment. Soon you receive the verification link in your registered email ID. The Applicant needs to complete the OTP verification and the video verification. In this process, you will receive your unique application ID. Send us this application ID for approval.

Once we receive the application ID from you, we will approve the application. And notify the same by replying to your email. We ship USB tokens for those orders that select the ‘Buy New’ option. You can download the digital signature once you receive the token. Other applicants can instantly download the certificates into their existing tokens. You can call us on +91 8658511010 for download-related help or watch the below video tutorials.✌

PAN (Paperless): This process is the same as the above paperless application. The only difference is, that you need to upload a scanned copy of your PAN card and any other government address proof document. Government address proof documents include Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voter ID Card, Passport, etc. Here the OTP will be sent to any mobile number provided by you. The application and approval method is mostly the same as mentioned for the Aadhar method. Therefore no need to mention it again.

Organization PAN (Paperless): Organisations can complete their paperless application using the PAN verification method. They need to upload available organization documents and the applicant’s documents. Because there are different types of organizations, their documentation is also different. Please refer to the below document checklist applicable to different organizations.

Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate

PriceFrom ₹1,149.00
Sales Tax Included
    • Choose your product as suggested and make payment online.
    • We will contact you to send documents online for processing. 
    • After enrollment  & verification like video, DSC will be issued.

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